How Does ShibaLauncher Works?
ShibaLauncher will work in a simple and easy to understand process.
1: A project founder applies to be incubated on ShibaLauncher and fills the necessary details and tokenomics structure.
2: The ShibaLauncher team and partners performs due diligence on the project based on ShibaLauncher Quality Standards.
3: Once the project passes the initial assessment, it goes live and is ready to be upvoted by the community of $shila token holders.
4: After the project gets upvoted to a certain threshold, an IDO date is set up and made public to the community
5: Token holders that are staking $shila can use their staking allocation weight to receive an IDO allocation in the project.
6: The IDO goes live
It’s a known fact that LaunchPads and accelerators have be a great avenue for legitimate projects to gain early support, and for early adopters to acquire the project tokens early.
Last updated